Happy New Year! Jenny and I have been doing a lot of reflecting on the past year for us personally and professionally! I’m sure you all have been doing the same. There are things we can look back on and say, “Wow! Look what God did! I have grown in so many ways!” However, there are also many things we can look back on and say, “I realize I can do better or get some things accomplished this year that I didn’t quite get accomplished last year. As we reflect on the good and the fun and the lovely – we know God was favoring and blessing us. On the hard things – the gut wrenching, sleep losing, anxiety spiking times we can look back on and see also where favor was even if we couldn’t see it at the time. We know He works out things for good for those of us that love Him. Take a listen in to the podcast link above and enjoy our reflections and announcements for this upcoming year! Much love ~ Catherine www.pursuingtruenorth.com
Happy New Year! Reflections on 2019 and Visions for 2020!