Truth of the Week 16: They Shall Call Them
Isaiah 62:12 – And they shall call them The Holy People, The Redeemed of the LORD; And you shall be called Sought Out, A City Not Forsaken. NKJV
Take a look earlier in chapter 62! I love this verse I’m already using exclamation points!
Commentary from the NKJV points to our verse of the week speaking specifically of the Gentiles in Isaiah 62:2 – The Gentiles shall see your righteousness, And all kings your glory. You shall be called by a new name, Which the mouth of the LORD will name.
Here in Isaiah 62:11 – Indeed the LORD has proclaimed to the end of the world: “Say to the daughter of Zion, ‘Surely your salvation is coming; Behold, His reward is with Him, And His work before Him.’” The mouth of the LORD is quoted here with the names!
Yeeeeeeeeessssss – that’s what WE are called! The Holy People, The Redeemed of the LORD, Sought Out, A City Not Forsaken.
Let’s sit on one name we don’t hear very often when referred to us – Sought Out.
Do you know God seeks you out? Do you feel that quiet gentle pull to find out more of God -getting deeper into your understanding so you have a relationship with Him? The feeling isn’t one of guilt. If you don’t push the nudging away but take a closer look at it you will find the heart of your Creator just wanting to be with you in all you do. That’s what we were made for in the first place – being in communion with God.
Personally I recognize where God has nudged me and pulled me back into Himself when I’ve gone astray, or even in the very beginning of my communication with Him where I knew He just wanted me to know Him better. It was never in a guilt or condemning tone and we would be wise when trying to encourage others to get to know God in any way – be it attending church or just in their daily walk – to make sure we mimic this tone.
We are called Redeemed! What does Redeemed mean? NAS Exhaustive Concordance defines it from the Hebrew meaning: to redeem, act as kinsman and the NASB translation is: avenger, brought back, buy back, claim, closest relative, rescue. Once we were dead in sin, God redeemed us with Jesus!
Have you ever felt like God redeemed you from a circumstance or just overall overhauled you? He is called Redeemer and we are called The Redeemed of the LORD! Yay!
A City Not Forsaken. Even when we feel forsaken, we aren’t forsaken? Yes, that’s right. Even the disciples in the boat when Jesus was asleep felt forsaken. Jesus felt forsaken on the cross. Were they actually forsaken when the felt forsaken? Absolutely not. Neither are you. Feelings are just that – they come and go and are not a good assessor of the truth. Ever been led astray by those? I sure have. But you and I are not forsaken. Not even in our darkest moments.
The Holy People. That one makes you all squirmy doesn’t it? Going back to the feelings department I must say I don’t always see myself with this holy lens on. God does. Jesus’s sacrifice was complete when He said, “It is finished.” He sees us as Holy. Thank God!