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Don’t Hide Sin Show Notes 38
Welcome to Pursuing true North’s Truth of the Week Series! I am Catherine King and I’m Jenny Cioto!
This week’s Truth of the Week – Psalm 32:5 – I acknowledged my sin to You, and my iniquity I have not hidden. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the LORD,” and You forgave the iniquity of my sin. NKJV
~ This whole Psalm is focused on the joy of forgiveness – in particular God’s forgiveness and what we have to do in order to receive greater blessing and peace with God.
~ Could it be possible that you aren’t receiving peace in your life because you have sin you have hidden?
~ Before this verse, David speaks in verses 1-4 about how blessed those who have their sins forgiven are! Where the spirit has no deceit there is blessing (v.2). In verse 3 he says his bones grew old and he groaned in his spirit when he felt the pressure of the hand of God upon him when he was silent about his sin. Even his vitality was dried up (v.4).
~ Sounds like an easy formula. Hide sin = life without joy, Confess sin = forgiveness, bringing joy to life.
~ Sin has consequences even when we are forgiven – at least then you’re moving forward, not stuck in hamster wheel of suck.
~ Our sin has been bought but we need to acknowledge what our part in driving a wedge between us and God is – because unrepented sin does just that.
~ I would like to add that sin shouldn’t have a pattern in our lives, We can’t just excuse our behavior because Jesus died for it.
~ Also, a point to note is we have a responsibility to forgive others just like God has forgiven us. Matthew 6:15 says, “But if we don’t forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”
Challenge: Are you hiding sin from God? Are you withholding forgiveness for yourself or others? Go unlock your blessing today!
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